Changzhou Minglu Hard Alloy Tool Co., Ltd

Company sales headquarters address: No. 132 Nanxi Road, Xixiashu Town, Xinbei District, Changzhou City

Company Tool Production Base: No. 105 Puhe South Street, Xixiashu Town, Xinbei District, Changzhou City

Customer service hotline:18015050922

After sales phone number:18068789722

Company phone:0519-81291896

Company fax:0519-81291896

ООО "Минлу Тулз Бранч", г. Минск, 220012, ул. Калинина, д. 7, пом. 26-3 +375 29 667-58-72

Follow our WeChat account and stay up-to-date with the latest activities.


Customer service:18015050922
9:00-21:00(Monday to Sunday)
9:00-21:00(Monday to Sunday)
9:00-21:00(Monday to Sunday)
9:00-21:00(Monday to Sunday)
Sales address:132 Nanxi Road, Xixiashu Town, Xinbei District, Changzhou City
Production base:105 Puhe South Street, Xixiashu Town, Xinbei District, Changzhou City